LINK Why You Love That Ikea Table, Even If It's Crooked
Quote: "Seriously, though, Mochon's experiments actually have serious
big-picture implications. The world over, companies and managers fall in
love with their own ideas — and reject better ideas from the outside
because they were not designed in-house."
Quote: "In the same way that assuming a "power pose" builds our confidence, intentionally engaging in loving, passionate behaviors appears to spark romantic excitement." Dr. Craig Malkin
This is a Flash Presentation and may not work on certain Apple Devices Dopamine Key to Behavior Since the beginning of time humans have tended to do what feels good - an impulse controlled by the brain. Now, neuroscientists are starting to unravel how something that was a positive impulse thousands of years ago can be detrimental to human survival today. CLICK LINK Ancient Systems In The Brain Drive Human Cravings CLICK LINK Quote: "For Beninger, dopamine is the most
fascinating neurotransmitter, allowing us to interact with our
environment, sending us in search of the things we need for survival. "Something that's biologically valuable, food, for example, water,
sexual partner, social companion, social cooperation, those are things
that activate the dopamine system," he says. End Quote George
LINK CLICK HERE Bonnie Bassler discovered that bacteria "talk" to each other, using a chemical language that lets them coordinate defense and mount attacks. The find has stunning implications for medicine, industry -- and our understanding of ourselves.