Nov 17, 2011

Farmland Values Shine Brightly in a Dark Economy

Land that once had been secured by developers prior to 2007 is
coming back on the market after the economy tumbled.
Once destined for residential development this land has fallen so far in value that
thousands of acres across the country are again being used for agriculture.

Crop prices have reached all-time highs and farmers in the Midwest are
outbidding one another at land auctions.

In Southern New Jersey farmers are putting development land
into Land Preservation Trusts.

The Ogle County News in Illinois reports that
Commercial and Residential land values are down but farmland is up.

The Wall Street Journal wrote on Tuesday November 14, 2011 about
dairy farmers 30 miles west of Phoenix, AZ who purchased 760 acres of
cotton and alfalfa cropland for $7 million.
It had been sold to developers in 2005 for $40.8 million

The USDA forecasts that net farm income will rise to $103.6 billion in 2011,
rising above $100 billion for the first time in history.
An increase of 31% over 2010.
Adjusted for inflation it will the highest income since 1973.

 Corn, wheat, hay, cotton and soybean receipts are
expected to show the largest increases.
The USDA estimates that farm expenses will jump
by $32.5 billion (11.4%) in 2011,
exceeding $300 billion for the first time, due to rising input prices.
 Prices for all crop-related inputs are expected to be up in 2011.


Submitted by George VanderWoude

Rep. Richard Hanna called this morning

It was a long pre-recorded call explaining Medicare changes.
Representative Richard Hanna started the call informing the listener that his three offices
had handled approximately 50,000 calls for assistance
and inquiries since he was elected.
If his office is unable to provide assistance his staff will see to it that
the appropriate authorities are contacted.
He also indicated that his district has the largest number of seniors of
any Congressional District in New York State.
After the introduction his assistants continued explaining Medicare changes.
It was stated that for Health Insurance Information, Counseling and Assistance
the listener should call

County Area Agency on Aging
Carol Deloff, Director
County Office Building
60 Central Avenue
Cortland, NY 13045-2746
TEL: (607) 753-5060
FAX: (607) 758-5528

Broome County Office for the Aging
Kathleen Bunnell, Director
Broome County Office Building
60 Hawley Street, 4th Floor
PO Box 1766
Binghamton, NY 13902-1766
TEL: (607)778-2411
FAX: (607) 778-2316

Rep. Richard Hanna
Cortland Office
18 Tompkins St.
Cortland, NY 13045
Tel: 607-756-2470
Fax: 607-756-2472
Click here for directions

Nov 16, 2011

Amish Singing

The Amish do not want to be photographed or recorded by audio.
However, occasionally Amish singing is
recorded surreptiously and without consent.
The person who recorded an Amish Youth Group singing the song

The Amish sing from the Ausbund, a collection of hymn texts
that dates from the sixteenth century.
The Ausbund remains in print until the present.
It is the oldest Protestant hymnal in existence.
Some hymns contain hundreds of verses, and because of the slow,
sustained melodic style, they may last an hour or longer.
Music notations do not appear in the hymn books.
It is necessary to rely on memory.

Nov 15, 2011

Marathon Maple Fest - 2012

According to the web site for the
Marathon Maple Fest
the dates for this coming year
March 24 & 25, 2012
The web site can be viewed by pointing your browser to:

The top of the page features a
Adobe Flash Presentation
and in the right-hand margin Presentations.
These are not viewable with:
iPods Touch,
and iPhones.
Apple Safari Browser Software
does not support Flash Presentations.

The Maple Fest has a presence on Facebook.

Interesting photos can be viewed:

Postcards on Ebay - Ronald G. Mudge

Like many people I visit the Ebay web site frequently.
One of the categories I peruse is the postcards section for the State of New York.
The total number of listings this morning was in excess of 94,000.

My interest is strictly local.
When I narrowed the search by typing in "Marathon, NY"
a listing of 12 postcards was shown.

My eyes were drawn to a postcard sent by
Ronald G. Mudge of Marathon on Aug. 7 1958
from Cincinnatus, NY where he was born.

Ron was a life-time ham radio enthusiast.
His call letters were KN2UZF.
The card was went to a ham radio operator in Whippany, NJ.
Ron's age is penned as "16" on the card.
Ron passed away at Cortland Hospital on July 29, 2009.
If you click on the picture a larger version should show.

I bought my first CB radio from Ron as did many others.
Channels 2 and 3 were our local channels.
Many folks in the greater Marathon, NY area owned Citizen Band Radios
and monitored the transmissions on these channels.
It was called "sandbagging".
We identified ourselves with creative monnikers.
The truckers passing on I-81 used Channel 19.

George V

Good Old Days in the Cincinnatus Pennysaver

In the good old days Mrs Dorothy Brown and her husband published the weekly Town and Country Pennysaver from their home near Cincinnatus.
It consisted of many page of advertising and editorial content in a format of approximately 6.5 x 8 inches.

Mrs Brown used to make her weekly rounds visiting the local business establishments solliciting advertising for her "Town and Country Pennysaver" published in partnership with her husband Noyce Brown.

It was commonly referred to as "The Cincinnatus Pennysaver".

My favorite feature of the "Cincinnatus Pennysaver" were the articles penned by Mrs MacRae. She was historian of the Town of Cincinnatus for many years.
Her writings appeared under the heading of "The Good Old Days" and were always interesting and filled with historical facts.

On November 5th, 2011 Mrs Rachel Pearl Field MacRae passed away at age 96.

Mrs Dorothy Robinson Brown passed away on January 21, 2009 at age 79.

I have in my hands the current issue (November 11-17, 2011) of the
"TOWN & COUNTRY Scotsman Pennysaver". On the second page it states that the Scotsman Pennysaver has a tradition of excellence in publishing and printing.

Without a doubt the Scotsman folks excel in printing when compared to Mr and Mrs Brown.

When it comes to publishing I think the Browns had them beat.

We are left with skimpy coverage of local news.

On page 12 (last page) I see a photograph of the Sidney Field Hockey
team which beat Marathon (2-1) on November 5 in a game played in Greene.
Also Mrs Zeiter's long running "disa & data" feature.

On page 2 two submitted articles. One about organic turkeys and the other about a future DEC hearing in Binghamton. No signatures.

Mrs Connie White used to have her writings published by the Scotsman Press.
However,  I have not seen her column for some time either.

In the good old days when I ran a classified ad in the "Cincinnatus Pennysaver" I could tell where and when the USPS was delivering.

Telephone calls started coming in and told me the time and location. Apparently the Pennysaver was the first thing folks reached for and read.

I wonder if that is still true today.

George VanderWoude

If you would like to try submitting the fruits of your English Compositional Skills send an email to the address listed in left hand margin of page 2. .

Nov 10, 2011

Catholic College Sues the Federal Government about "Affordable Health Care"

Today, the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty filed a lawsuit against
the federal government on behalf of Belmont Abbey College about the “Affordable Care Act” (aka “Obamacare”), that forces the College to violate its religious beliefs or pay a hefty fine.

The lawsuit contests the recently issued Health and Human Services’ mandate
  that requires thousands of religious organizations to provide
contraceptives and sterilization against their conscience.

The Federal Government has issued waivers (thousands) for a variety of
special interest groups including McDonald’s and Teachers’ Unions.
However, the Federal Government (H.H.S) refused
to accommodate religious organizations.
The existing religious exemption is very narrowly defined.
It prompted the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to opine
that even Jesus’ ministry would not qualify.

Went For a Motorcycle Ride Yesterday Afternoon

The afternoon temperatures were balmy.
Around 70 degrees Fahrenheit.
So my trusty steed beckoned
and begged me to take it for a ride.

It had been several weeks that I had an opportunity/time for a ride.
If I don't want to go too far afield my area of choice for leisurely riding
is North East of Marathon toward Freetown and Cincinnatus.

Some hard surfaced and some dirt roads.
The Suzuki DR650 is up to taking on rough surfaces
as it is shod with knobby tires.

In the beginning of June of this year I rode down in one day to Marlinton, WV
to attend a motorcycle rally.
Down I-81 to Lexington, Virginia.
West on I-64 and off at the first exit and back roads to the rally.
511 miles.
Prior to going down I had done some research and created a Google Map

In addition I created a web site featuring Rides and Sights
Click on blue links

In my opinion West Virginia is without equal when it comes to scenery.
I have visited many of the sites but definitely not all.
If one has never been to West Virginia
the Greenbanks Observatory is a "Must See".

If you arrive and the bus is idling at curb do not board.
Go view the presentation in the auditorium first.
The rally was held at the Marlinton Motor Inn a few miles North of Marlinton.

The routes featured in my
Rides and Sights
web site are based on this location.


McGraw Sportsmen's Club, Ridge Road, McGraw, NY

Gus W. and I are about finished redesigning the web site of the Club.

We designed a logo for George W. Jennings Jr.

George is a graduate of Marathon High.
His father George Jennings Sr was postmaster in the village for 42 years.

If you visit the newsletters of the Club you will notice that
George Jennings Jr is the Editor and Chief.

The club has a membership approaching 550 members.
Membership dues $20.00 annually. Junior Membership $5.00 if needed.
The Sunday Morning Breakfast from 7-10 a.m. provides an opportunity to visit
with the members of the club.

The Club is looking for a few sponsors of the web site.
Club Location:


Nov 9, 2011

Black Fawn

A few days ago I received an email containing three pictures of a black fawn.
Googling led me to a blog by "Barry the Birder" .
The photo was taken near Austin, Texas.
The area has a concentration of black deer.

Black Fawn was also the title of a book written by
Jim Kjelgaard., author of many animal stories.
One of his books Big Red was made into a Disney movie.

Main Street Mad at Banks Heading To . . . .

You guessed it!
The Retail Juggernaut.


Nov 8, 2011

Why Watch "Raising Hope?.

Phone Call:

"Do you still downstream movies from Netflix?."
"Yes, why?'
"Do a search for "Raising Hope" and add it to your Instant Queue".
"It is a TV sitcom."
"It is very funny."
"And it is available for downstreaming?"
"What's so funny?"
"You'll see."
"OK, I'll put it in the the Instant Queue."

It is funny, very funny. No commercials.
Twenty-two episodes lasting about 22 minutes.


Native Ladybugs Getting Scarce

There seem to be not nearly as many Ladybugs attempting
to invade our house this Fall.
In previous years they descended on us by the hundreds,
covering the window screens looking for a safe winter home.
Why not as many as in previous years? We don't have a clue.

The distribution of native Ladybugs across the North American Continent
has changed significantly over the last two decades.
Many species have become very rare.
The invasive species from Asia have become abundant.
Cornell University has a "Lost Ladybug Project" to be viewed at

At a sub-link you will find a picture of "C9".

This Ladybug - C9 - Coccinella novemnotata,
(Also known as nine-spotted Ladybug)
is the New York State insect. 


Nov 7, 2011

Can Cops Use a GPS To Track You?

Tomorrow, November 8th, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court
will address the issue.

United States v. Jones (10-1259)


In the meantime keep checking the inside of the bumpers and fenders of your vehicles.
It may not be the cops who are curious about your movements.


Barn Fire on Turner Hill Road

Shortly after 6 a.m. this morning the siren of the Killawog Fire Department sounded multiple times..
It appears there is a fire at a dairy barn on 1249 Turner Hill Road.
Seven Fire Departments were at the Hall Family Farm.
The damage is reported to be limited to approx. $2,000.00
Location per Google Maps:


An Epidemic: 48 Percent of Students in Grades 7-12 Experience Sexual Harassment

During the 2010-11 school year, 48 percent of students in grades 7-12 experienced some form of sexual harassment in person or electronically via texting, email and social media, according to a major national survey being released today by the American Association of University Women.

News from the Post Standard

ABC News


Download the full report from the AAUW

It makes one wonder how this is handled by the administration in the Marathon School District.


Nov 6, 2011


Why the Amish Mennonites do not want their children on regular school bus runs.

Old Order Amish depend on their church for their relation to the world outside their lives.
The Amish do not refer to their "church" as a building like other denominations.
Their church is the community they belong to.
It is called "Gmay"  it is derived from a German word "Gemeinde" which means "community".
The Gmay is the community of members who with their baptism have indicated a willingnes to practice the teachings of Christ as found in the New Testament.

Every Gmay is guided by the "Ordnung" (system of community norms).
The Ordnung specifies what is worldly and what is sinful.
It regulates private, public, and ceremonial life.
It enables the community to practice scriptural edicts.
Also, it builds a barrier against the world beyond the community.

Is everything in the Ordnung supported by the Bible? No, it is not. When certain practices appear "worldly" then such practices are forbidden.

The Ordnung may vary among different Amish communities. Each Amish Gmay has its own Ordnung. The Ordnung may change over time. When economic survival becomes an issue it may be modified but the Amish accept change very slowly. When creameries no longer accepted milk shipped in cans the use of bulk milk tanks was approved. The local Amish milk by hand and strain the milk into cans which they transport to a dumping station. The dumping station at the corner of Krill Road and Jennings Creek Road is owned by Dairylea. Dairy farmers may ask why not use a vacuum pump powered by a small engine like they use for other equipment so they can use vacuum operated milking machines? It seems that the Ordnung forbids the use of milking machines.
I asked the question. My guess is that the children would have too much idle time.
Work is viewed as a desirable activity.

The Ordnungs are generally not in writing. They are reaffirmed and if needed modified in the Spring and Fall of the year at Ordnungsgmay. At this time the leaders of the Gmay (Bishop and Preachers) expound on the forbidden practices and each individual member is asked if she or he is in agreement.

If all members are in agreement it is cause for a celebration at the "Grossgmay" .
("Gross" is German for "large, big") to be held two weeks later and communion takes place. Amish church gatherings are held every other Sunday.

Amish communities do fellowship with other Amish communities that have similar Ordnungs.
An interchange of preachers is allowed in such sharing of fellowship.
It also broadens the base from which marriage partners can be selected.

Amish people set themselves apart through the clothing they wear, means of transportation, level of education and continued use of the German language. Amish children are brought up to speak "Deitsch". Their pronunciation of "Deutsch" (german). They learn English in school.

The Amish adhere to a literal interpretation of the Bible. Romans 12:2 ("And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of  God.") and 2 Corinthians 6:14 ("Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness and what communion hath light with darkness?" are interpreted literally . This literal interpretation forbids marriage with outsiders, connecting to the electrical grid or to the telephone system. Connecting literally and physically defines the rule.

The Ordnung of our Amish allows use of the phone of consenting neighbors but prohibits the use of cell phones. Don't offer the use of your cell phone which I did recently.

It is at the time that an Amish believer decides to be baptized that he or she becomes a member of the Gmay.
The Amish believe that baptism is a covenant with God, a vow of total obedience to the Church of Christ, which is the local Gmay and its Ordnung. Every person contemplating baptism is advised to evaluate this decision very carefully. The baptismal vows express faith in God, the Bible, obedience of Christ's teachings incorporated in the rules of the Ordnung.

The Amish do not believe that baptism brings salvation. It is a covenant. To proclaim that one is saved is considered prideful. Only God knows.

"Being separate from the world" is the guiding principle in Amish life.

It is the reason why our Amish neighbors refuse to let their children ride on the school bus with Non-Amish children. It would violate the rules of the Ordnung about connecting with the world outside.

As long as our director of transportation keeps coming up with proposals that include mingling Amish kids with non-Amish kids it amounts to blowing in the wind.

Also, when Amish children are killed in traffic incidents it becomes national news.

Envision this headline:

"Two Amish Girls Killed in Snowstorm.
School Board Refuses Bus Transportation to their Schools".

George VanderWoude

New York Amish: life in the plain communities of New York State by Karen Johnson-Weiner
Also available in the Lisle, NY library

The Riddle of Amish Culture
by Donald Kraybill

Biblical text copied from
United States Printing Office
Washington : 1942


Success Made Simple: An Inside Look at Why Amish Businesses Thrive

Note: Amish businesses have a 95% survival rate.

Nov 5, 2011

Amish Pies

Purchased two pies at the
Schlabach Farm on Jennings Creek Road this Saturday morning.
At $7.50 for a Blueberry Pie and $7.00 for an Apple Pie why bother
doing your own baking.
The family sells Baking Goods (pies, bread, cookies)
on Fridays and Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Amish Mennonites observe Exodus 20:8-11

Marathon High School Alumni Sends Picture

A Marathon High Alumni took this picture by iPhone from a tree stand
while waiting for a buck to come along.
He hunts with a compound bow .
The caption read: "It does not get better than this".

Did he get his buck? Yes, a Four-Point!

Marathon Central School Teacher Salaries


one can peruse an accounting and analysis of the salaries of our teachers.

One needs to scroll down to get past the advertising at the top of the page.
Caveat: It may well be that these figures are not accurate.
Nevertheless I'll recap the totals:
Grade LevelAverage10th percentile25th percentileMedian75th percentile90th percentile
Middle school$62,040$43,060$47,880$58,990$73,350$87,390
High school$60,630$41,500$46,770$57,590$73,070$85,520

Looking at the median it appears that the salaries for
the Kindergarten are much higher than for the High School.

At the bottom of the page you will find links to information for nearby schools.


Marathon Central School District Test Scores

On April 28, 2011 the New York Times published a review of the test scores
of the Marathon Central School District for K-8 and the Regents Exams.
Two tabs are shown for K-8 and Regents Exams.

The Times reported a total of 818 students.
97% White,
1% Black
1% Hispanic
1% Asian
29% are reported as "poor".

The scores for the Regents Exams reflect a general trend in our country.
The number of students tested for mathematics is considerably less
than the number of students tested for the "soft" sciences.
Also the percentage pass rates for Geometry are cause for concern.

Nationwide only 10-15% of college students graduate with engineering and science degrees.
An ominous trend that bodes ill for the future of our country.
A link to this page is shown to the right of this post.


Nov 4, 2011

Are the Amish going to take the Maracthon School Board to court?

Last year the Marathon School District transported the Amish school children on a separate bus to their Amish schools.
For the 2011-2012 school year the Board of Education decided to discontinue this service and require the Amish children to travel on regular schoolbuses.

This has clearly upset our Amish community. The Amish Mennonites aim to separate themselves from the outside world based on interpretations of biblical teaching in the Bible.

The Amish are opposed to having their children mingling with Non-Amish children on regular bus runs because their children will without a doubt learn words, expressions and behavior the Amish consider undesirable and against the tenets of their faith.

Is it possible that the taxpayers in the Marathon School District will have to incur the cost of legal proceedings in the future?
If several school districts around the state provide separate transportation for religious denominations and Marathon does not - could that be construed as discrimination?

I called Mr Wilcox at the Whitney Point School District Transportation Department.
He informed me that W.P. sends out a separate bus to transport the Baptist students who attend the Baptist School in Whitney Point.

The students who attend Marathon Christian Academy are transported on regular bus runs and then transferred to a bus to be taken to Marathon, NY.

When I worked for Laidlaw (now First Student) in Binghamton in 1998 the Jewish students were transported on a separate bus.

George VanderWoude

Board of Education Meetings

Whitney Point School District Transportation Department

Amish brought suit in Federal Court against Morristown and Locke, NY

Copied from:
This web site loads page slowly.

Watertown, NY Jan. 6 2009 -- Eleven Old Order Amish families filed a religious discrimination lawsuit in federal court Tuesday, claiming a northern New York community is targeting them for building code enforcement.

The Amish families claim the town of Morristown has refused to issue building permits that would allow them to practice their religion and build homes according to their beliefs.

The Amish said if they cannot build their homes and farms in their traditional ways, they will be forced to sell their homes and property and leave.

"The Amish, who were chased out of Europe hundreds of years ago by government harassment and persecution, are being singled out by petty officials apparently bent on chasing the Amish out of New York," said Eric Rassbach, national litigation director at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a Washington, D.C.-based legal organization that joined in the lawsuit.

Just over a year ago in southern Cayuga County, the Summerhill Amish community faced challenges from theTown of Locke, which required Amish builders to have liability insurance in order to get a building permit.

Amish leaders said it was one of several ways the town discriminated against them. Amish don't carry insurance, believing that reliance on insurance erodes community trust and dependence on each other.
Town officials said they were enforcing a state requirement for liability insurance, which, it turns out, doesn't exist.

Town of Locke officials considered passing a local law to require liability insurance, but after dozens of people spoke against it at a town meeting, officials rejected the idea.

"The U.S. Constitution, and legal precedent all the way to the Supreme Court, are clear. The Amish, who are known throughout the world as master craftsmen and master builders, have the right to practice their beliefs. That includes building and living in homes that conform to those beliefs," Rassbach said.

Also joining in the lawsuit is Proskauer Rose LLP, a New York City law firm that provides legal assistance to Amish families.

Town Clerk David Murray said town officials had not yet been served with the lawsuit. Town Attorney Andrew Silver was not immediately available for comment, his office said.

In the past, town officials have said they were asking the Amish to comply with the same building codes that apply to other residents.

Building codes are established by the state and enforced by towns, villages and cities. Morristown officials said they updated their 22-year-old building codes in 2006 based on a model law provided by the state. The code requires new and existing structures "to keep pace with advances in technology in fire protection and building construction."

The Amish are members of the Old Order Swartzentruber sect, among the most traditional of the Amish groups. They don't deny building houses without permits and have said they were willing to purchase building permits, but contend the requirements of the codes -- such as having smoke detectors, submitting engineering plans and allowing inspections -- violate their religious beliefs.

Before 2006, the Swartzentruber Amish in Morristown were granted building permits and allowed to build their structures according to traditional standards and customs without interference, according to the 37-page lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court in Watertown.

However, since 2006, Morristown officials have brought more than 10 separate prosecutions against the Amish, the lawsuit said.

The 17-count complaint alleged that Morristown code enforcement officer Lanetta Kay Davis, who was appointed in 2006, has selectively issued a number of code violations to the Amish. The complaint also alleged that she has posted messages at an anti-Amish Web site and zealously enforced the code, even issuing tickets on off-hours after making unannounced visits to Amish homes to conduct intrusive inspections.

In addition to Davis, the lawsuit named the town's supervisors and councilors as defendants.

The Amish decided to file a federal lawsuit after Morristown Town Judge James Phillips ruled in July that their religion gave them no special standing to avoid compliance with local building codes.

end quote

The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty
3000 K St. NW, Suite 220
Washington, D.C. 20007
Phone: 202.955.0095
Fax: 202.955.0090
Business Hours: 9am-6pm M-F
To discuss an existing or potential legal matter, contact Legal Assistant, Marie Peralta, via email at

Proskauer Rose LLP
1 International Place
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 526-9600
Stacey O'Haire Fahey
Firmwide Pro Bono Counsel
Tel: 212.969.3952


The Tarbell Building

Picture from
The Marathon Historical Society Web Site
The History of the Tarbell Building is to be viewed at

Some of you may remember Mr Earl Rayburn who lived on Broome Street.
Mr Rayburn drove Oldsmobiles exclusively.
Marlin Merihew wanted to buy the residence on Broome Street.
However, Mr Rayburn's son (Executor of the Estate)
informed Mr Merihew that if he wanted to purchase the residence
he also had to buy the Tarbell Building.
It appears that the web site of the Marathon Historical Society
needs an update. It shows a calendar for 2010.


"Building a Community, Building a Barn"

"Building a Community, Building a Barn" is the heading of an article
written by Donn Hewes of Marathon, NY.
It appeared in the Spring 2011 issue of Small Farmer’s Journal.
The article features a few beautiful pictures of the Amish barn
Donn Hewes assisted in building.

George V

Deer Management Permits still available in some Wildlife Management Units

The latest newsletter of the DEC - Division of Fish, Wildlife and Marine Resources states:

 •Leftover DMPs ( exist for the following WMUs as of today, November 4: 1C, 3M, 3S, 8A, 8F, 8G, 8H, 8J, and 9A. Hunters in these WMUs can apply for up to two DMPs by visiting a license issuing outlet (most town clerks and sporting good stores). These DMPS are issued on a first-come, first-serve basis until the desired target is reached.
•Bonus DMPs ( are offered throughout the 2011-2012 hunting season for hunters in WMUs 1C, 3S, 4J, 8C, and 9A who harvest an antlerless deer. To get the bonus DMP, hunters must bring their harvested antlerless deer to a check station and fill out an application.
The entire newsletter can be read at:

George V

Amish - Marathon, NY - History of Anabaptists

Shown above is an etching from Martyr's Mirror done by Jan Luyken.
It depicts Hendrik Pruyt being readied to be burned for his faith as an Anabaptist
in A.D. 1574 in the city of Workum, Province of Friesland, The Netherlands.  
He is being fitted with a tongue screw.
This was done so the martyrs would be unable to witness their faith to onlookers.

On the right side you will some straw sticking out from the burn platform.

However, he was not burned on the platform but set out to sea in a burning boat.

Tens of thousands of Anabaptists men, women (mothers) were burned, tortured, hacked apart, mutilated, put on galleys, etc.
Children were taken to be raised as non-anabaptists.

Many Anabaptists emigrated to the USA and the Amish in Cortland County are descended from them.

There are no Amish left in Europe. The last European Amish merged with the Mennonites in 1937.

The Martyr's Mirror is a book of some 1200 pages which was first written in
A.D. 1660 by a Dutch Minister Tieleman van Braght, Dordtrecht, The Netherlands.

In A.D. 1745-1746 it was translated into German in Elizabethtown, PA for
the Mennonite Communities in the U.S.A..
In A.D. 1784 a second edition was published.

In A.D. 1886 it was translated into English.

Amish families read from this book to strenghten their faith.
It is second to the Bible in Amish households.

The Amish in the vicinity of Marathon, NY hail from the Smicksburg-Punxsutawney area in PA.
Since 1961 approximately 800 Amish families from Holmes County, Ohio
settled in the Smicksburg, PA area.
A lack of an adequate market for milk is one of the reasons
the Amish are currently migrating to Cortland County.

Two new families are currently arriving and our total number is now in excess of thirty families.

George VanderWoude

Martyr's Mirror Online
Martyr's Mirron Images

Nov 3, 2011

Marathon Schoolboard Meetings and Minutes

The minutes of the Marathon School Board can be viewed by clicking on the link below.

After you have reached the page link above you will notice links for previous and the latest minutes.
Click on any of the links shown for the minutes and the document will open in Acrobat Reader format (*.pdf)

The Board of Education generally meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month.
Exceptions are: One meeting in both November (17th) and December (15th).
April dates are the 6th and 25th for budget approval, and the
May dates are 4th, 9th and 17th for the budget hearing and vote. 
If you have questons or concerns , please call the District Clerk at 607-849-3117.

George VanderWoude